Design and Construction of An Afghan National Police Station In Farah, Farah Province

Contract#: W5J9LE-10-C-0013

Project Title: Design and Construction of An Afghan National Police Station In Farah, Farah Province

Project Location: Farah, Afghanistan

Contract Amount: $ 2.099.600,00

Project Completion Date: 2/8/2012

Project Description: This project consists of the design and construction of Afghanistan National Police (ANP) Uniformed Police District Headquarters facilities (approximately 600 SM in size and a population of [60] persons) to be located at Lash Jaween, Farah Province, Afghanistan. This project is defined as the management, planning, design; material, labor, and equipment, to site adapt and construct all utilities, vehicular access, buildings, force protection measures, site security, de-mining activities, and other features as referenced herein. The work within this contract perfectly met and was constructed in accordance with current U.S. design and International Building Codes (IBC), Life Safety Codes (NFPA-101), Force Protection and security standards.

Poc: 'McWilliams, James J TAS-HAA' and Killion, S. Wali Wasiq
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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